Elena & Caleb

May 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I cannot get enough of these pictures and this amazing couple!

Elena won a free maternity shoot from a Facebook promotion I did a couple of weeks ago.
(She won because her due date is my son's birthday, I thought that was a great reason to choose her as the winner) 
It was a pleasure meeting both of them and
I hope to have the chance to meet their baby boy who is due June 8th!

Elena said to me, when we met up for our planning session, "I've never won anything before!" 
Caleb's response was, "What kind of scam did you get us into now?"
No scam, just a fun photo shoot to document this precious new life and his beautiful parents!

I hope you both enjoy your maternity photos as much as I do!
Thanks for being such a fun couple to photograph!


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Fundraiser For Baby Ari

May 13, 2016  •  Leave a Comment


Anna and Brandyn are friends of mine, I have known Anna since we were in elementary school.
They had a beautiful baby girl, Ari, last year who was born with a few medical conditions requiring may medical treatments, specialty appointments, therapies, and many missed days of work for mom, dad and even grandparents.
Ari was flown to Sioux Falls on April 19th, 2016, which makes for a second emergent flight that bills out at $60,000
and doesn't accept insurance. 
When I was informed they had medical bills piling up just to get their daughter to and from appointments, and to receive the medical treatment she needed, I knew I had to do more! 

So why not offer photo shoots and donate funds to this amazing family?

I'm asking you to fill up my schedule on May 21st and 22nd from 1-3:30pm. 
I will be doing 10 minute photo sessions at Canyon Lake Park and you will receive the digital files with printing rights
from these shoots for a suggested cash donation of $75.

Please contact me at [email protected] or 605-430-7386 to reserve your 10 minute time slot. 

If you are unable to make it for a photo shoot please consider donating to their Go Fund Me page:

I appreciate all of your help for this family and hope to see you on the 21st and 22nd!







Hallie is THREE!

April 24, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

The weather is getting nice! It's time for outdoor summer photo sessions!!

Miss Hallie is helping me kick off the summer right!
Hallie and her family started getting their family photos taken with me
when she was a tiny 8 weeks old. 
In the last three years I've taken yearly birthday and family photos, been a part of the Hayford wedding and welcomed a little brother in 2015! 

It's so much fun having amazing families like hers to watch grow each year!


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Carter's Cake Smash

April 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

It feels like just yesterday I was taking Carter's newborn photos and now he's a year old already!
He made his momma and me work pretty hard to get this shoot done but we ended up with some
pretty sweet pictures of this adorable little man!
Thanks Shanna for the fun afternoon last Saturday and for always making my job so much fun.



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Isaac's Cake Smash

April 17, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

This handsome little fella turned one in the blink of an eye!
We had so much fun in the studio for his one year Cake Smash shoot. (I'm pretty sure the cake was his favorite part)

Thanks so much Lisa for letting me take these special pictures for such a special boy!!


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